Brev från Anatoly 2013-06-04
On June 1 the holiday Children"s Defence Day is marked in Russia. They say it is international. I do not know it is universal or not. But I know that really all kids must be protected and in the first turn from heartless and violence of adults which not always understand that children are the Lord's gift. The orphans need some special defence and the Lord takes care of them in some special way:
"He protects the immigrants, and cares for the orphans..." (Ps.146:9),
"You should defend those who cannot help themselves. Yes, speak up for the poor and needy and see that they get justice." (Prov.31:8-9),
" The Christian who is pure and without fault, from God the Father's point of view, is the one who takes care of orphans..." (James 1:27).
This time in the special way the Lord helped us to serve not only the ordinary orphans but the orphans-invalids. When we come to them they are glad for our relationship, gifts, attention. But practically they have never any opportunity to travel or visit some sighting action. There are many objective reasons for this: first, it is still not correct for an invalid to appear in public and in audience in our society. In the Soviet period you even could not see any invalid wheels in streets because the Soviet society must be looked the most healthy and happy all over the world. Very often they were mocked and hurt. May be that's why orphanages for kids-invalids and for adults-invalids were built far from big cities. May be that's why more simple and hearty people lived near them. Today all orphans-invalids are far from Ryazan: Ukholovo trade school for orphans is in 130 km and Elatma invalid orphanage is in 200 km.
We with God's help could organize for them some celebration and arrival to the Ryazan circus to see a wonderful program. According to the words of the accompanying adults many of them have seen the city, many- storeyed houses, many people and cars for the first time in their lives. All kids were in delight! They expressed their delight in various ways: somebody was very shocked with all happening and could not say any word being very concentrated and very serious during all performance. Somebody squealed from joy and delight. Unfortunately, we could purchase only ice-cream for them and could treat nothing. Unfortunately, they did not go to Mc Donald's even after 4 hours by bus and 3 hours by performance and they left for back. But in spite of this circumstance they were very and very glad and grateful to the Lord and to those who helped them to get this gift through the visit the circus.
Dear friends, please, pray for our circumstances, for our serving these kids.
In His Name,