Brev från Anatoly 2014-09-03
I have not seen my Mom for 12 years,
- Andrei said to me concerning this topic. He graduated from the Kostino orphanage one year ago and now he is studying in the trade school. He has spent 3 summer months in our Transition Home and church. He is a very kind, obedient young man quite opposite to his friends from the orphanage. Andrei enjoyed his time spent here. He took part in all church youth programs and projects. He accepted Jesus in our tent camp.
Before several days to depart from our Transition Home to his trade school I saw some letter in his hands. I asked him: Who writes to you? He answered: My Mom.
-Is she alive? Where does she live?
-I do not know.
-Can you read her letter?
-Yes. So I learned that all last years his Mom was in the House for invalids and for people with mental defects. It is clear that she is missing and loving her son Andrei. She is waiting for a meeting with him very much.
I asked him: Is it the first letter?
-No. Did she write earlier?
-Did you answer?
-No. I do not know how to answer and how to send. It is very painful to hear. He is a young person at the age of 19 years old and he is a graduate from the orphanage and he is quite helpless. He is not able to do some elementary things - to write and to send some letter to his Mom which is waiting for his answer.
Next day my morning started with prayers to look for his Mom. Praise God! She was in 100 km from Ryazan in the House for invalids and for people with mental defects. The director is a good person and he was touched with this situation learning that mother and son are looking for each other during 12 years and he invited us to visit the House.
Andrei was very excited of his meeting with Mom soon. He began to arrange for this trip. We helped to buy some presents and sweets for his Mom. But one gift was special taken by Andrei and it was the Bible for children with pictures.
All our way Denis (a supervisor of our shelter) and I were very excited. I have some sad experience when the orphans meet with their Moms after many years saying good-bye. That moment unfortunately being natives they have no any feelings and emotions. There were such cases when their Moms denied their kids for the second time. I was a witness of those suffering of the kids and I had to do a lot of efforts for prayers and instruction to help the kids to overcome this betray.
Now again my heart had some pain asking the question: how this grief
-Mom will meet his son. But before at our Sunday service we asked church to support our meeting in prayers. It was a miracle! The Lord gave me to see this amazing result. His mother Lidiya with tears ran to her son to kiss and to hug him. Andrei was in shock because he
doubted if she is his mother. But her voice, tears were touching his heart and his memory began to work and he recognized her as his Mom. He also hugged her as a little kid. I understood that I had some wonderful moments of a joy of the meeting of the natives which were very far from each other yesterday.
Everyone who watched this picture was touched with tears. As for me I was grateful to the Lord for this orphan ministry and for the ministry to these unhappy women loosing their precious kids. She took us to her room to show us some childish clothes and a lot of pictures of her kids in the album. As for me it was the first case when the deprived mother keeps all childish things. As for Andrei he was very glad to see his past plunging into his childhood accepting his Mom by his mind and heart.
Especially it was touching when Andrei said that he loved the Lord and he was a Christian giving her the Bible with his writing "For long memory to my favourite Mom".
When we went out his mother took everyone's hand and with shining face said that he was her son which would visit her. Really it was a good celebration for all patients and staff in this House. Many people accompanied us to our car and they were joyful for this son and his Mom and grateful to the Lord for this opportunity to meet and to reunion.
Leaving we were praying fervently thanking for His blessings and mercies for everyone of them.
I hope their relationship will continue. Now constantly he calls his Mom. From our side we will carry him to his Mom. In 2 years Andrei will receive his residence where he will take his Mom having their relationship and joy in the Lord.
Dear friends, these blessings are the result of your prayers and support.